Chitrangda Singh is all set to make her digital debut as an actress and a producer, with a musical drama web series. The shoot of the series begins at the end of the year. “I will be starting to shoot for a web series at the end of the year or the beginning of next year. So, there is a bit of free time at the moment. The series is will be a musical drama. I am excited because I was waiting to do something interesting. It’s been a long time since I have acted in a project,” said Chitrangda, on Wednesday in Mumbai. Chitrangda also revealed she is developing the series under her production banner, while interacting with the media at the Women Entrepreneur Exhibition of the Ladies’ Wing of the IMC Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Actress Kajol was also present at the event. The actress has ventured into production in the past with the 2018 film “Soorma”, a biopic of former Indian hockey captain Sandeep Singh. She said that as a producer she wants to support content that is interesting and engaging. Chitrangda was last seen onscreen in “Baazaar” (2018). She played Saif Ali Khan’s wife in the film. (IANS)