TURA: The deputy commissioner of South West Garo Hills, Ram Kumar S, chaired the first Vidyalaya Management Committee meeting of the 2019-2020 session at Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya institution in Mahendraganj town on Friday and discussed with the teachers and parents representatives the problems of the institute and ways to bringing a solution.
The deputy commissioner, who also happens to be the chairman of the management committee (VMC) of JNV, urged upon the principal of the institute to make cleanliness, health and hygiene a top priority of the school. Various issues relating to development of the institute was also discussed and the principal, Dr. S K Gaur, informed the gathering that the last date for submission of online application for admission has been extended up to 30th of September.
The meeting was attended by Dr Khona A Sangma, District Medical and Health Officer of Ampati, Ms. T N Marak (Block Mission Co-ordinator, Zikzak), Mr. Gurbax Singh (Parent Representative) Mr Nurul Islam (PGT Eng,SMT) and the JNV Principal Dr. Gaur.
Speaking on behalf of the parents whose children are in the JNV institute, Mr. Gurbax Singh requested the authorities to organize Career Counselling programmes in the Vidyalaya to encourage the students to go for Defense /Army sector jobs in addition to Medical & Engineering courses/Jobs.