Guwahati: Four smuggled gold biscuits valued at Rs 25.75 lakh were seized from a passenger at the Lokpriyo Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport here on Thursday and he was arrested, police said. They said the accused, named Ajmal Ali in his Aadhaar card, was to board a flight to Delhi when CISF personnel, during security checks, found the gold biscuits, weighting 664 gram, hidden in his rectum and nabbed him. The CISF men handed him over to the police which arrested him. On Wednesday also, gold biscuits, weighing 18.5 kg and valued at approximately Rs 8 crore, concealed in the chassis of a vehicle were seized by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) with the help of police at Manja in central Assam’s Karbi Anglong district and two persons were arrested. The two persons were attempting to smuggle the gold biscuits to Guwahati from Imphal in Manipur, police had said. (PTI)