TURA: The Harding Theological College (HTC), the only Baptist college of the discipline in entire Garo Hills is set to celebrate its 100th Year Centenary on December 6 and 7 at its new campus at Edenbari near Tura.
The college began in the form of In-Service Training Course started by American Missionary, Rev Dr F W Harding in 1919 and was then known as the Tura Bible Training School. At the time, classes were conducted every year in the months of August and September with the entire course completing in five years.
In 1958, a three year regular course under the name ‘A’chik Bible School’ was started while the two month course continued simultaneously. In 1979, a two year certificate course in Biblical Studies, prescribed by CBCNEI was adopted. The two year certificate course was converted again to three year Certificate in Theology (C.Th.) course in 1983.
The institution was upgraded to a college level in 1995 and a diploma in Bachelor of Theology was started along with the existing C.Th course. The name of the college was also changed to ‘A’chik Theological College’. The college which since 2003 had been affiliated to the Senate of Serampore College (University), introduced the Bachelor of Divinity (BD) Course in 2008.
The college was again renamed ‘Harding Theological College’ in February 2006 after its founding Principal, Rev Dr Frederick William Harding, who served as the head of the institution for 25 years. The college, which is sponsored by the Garo Baptist Convention (ABDK) was shifted to its new location at Edenbari in 2017. Prominent Baptist leaders from abroad and the North East, Principals and representatives from sister colleges, Church leaders from different Krimas, government officials and religious faithful from all over Garo Hills are expected to attend the college’s 100th Year Centenary celebration.