Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Pema Khandu will lead an all-party delegation to New Delhi soon to urge the home minister to expedite the process of creating a separate cadre of IAS, IPS and IFoS for the state, the Assembly was told on Friday.
Khandu told the Assembly during a discussion that the state government had on several occasions convinced the Centre to create a separate cadre of administrative officers for Arunachal Pradesh keeping in view the ethnic diversity of the state.
“When a tribe of the state cannot understand the language and culture of other tribe, how can an outside officer will understand? We are not able to implement our policies properly because the bureaucrats are not permanent in the state as they are being posted for five years with two tenures of two and half years each,” Khandu said.
He added that the government is serious on the issue which is in the state’s interest.
“I discussed the matter with the prime minister besides President, Vice President and DoPT minister and even state governor discussed it with several central leaders on many occasions,” Khandu said, adding that the Centre had already instructed the DoPT Ministry to work on it but the process remained stagnant. (PTI)
All-party delegation to meet Shah for separate IAS, IPS cadre for Arunachal
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