Bollywood divas Kareena Kapoor Khan, Karisma Kapoor, Malaika Arora and Amrita Arora are setting serious friendship goals with their new post on social media. Kareena on Tuesday took to Instagram, where she shared a photo-collage of her girl gang — Karisma, Malaika, Amrita and Malika Bhat — resting with their eyes closed while in self-quarantine. She captioned the image: ‘Friends that nap together, stay forever.” Ever since Kareena has stepped into the world of social media, she has constantly been giving sneak peek’s into her life and as to how she is spending time amid the lockdown. On the work front, Kareena was last seen on screen in Angrezi Medium, which also stars Irrfan Khan and Radhika Madan. (ians)