Actor Varun Dhawan on Tuesday clocked 30 million followers on Instagram and thanked his fans for their continued support and belief in him. The actor took to the photo-video sharing platform and posted a fan-made video collage to mark the occasion. “30 million #varuniacs. Thank you for believing in me. Keep moving on the beat. Thank you @stevenroythomas for this edit, Varun captioned the clip. The 33-year-old actor was last seen in Remo D’Souza’s Street Dancer 3D, which released earlier this year. His next film is Coolie No 1, helmed by his father, filmmaker David Dhawan. Remake of the 1995 film of the same name, Coolie No 1 was scheduled to release in May but got pushed due to the coronavirus-induced nationwide lockdown. The movie, which also features Sara Ali Khan, is produced by Vashu Bhagnani. (PTI)