Bollywood actress Radhika Madan has posted a new picture but it is the caption that steals the eye, for its Salman Khan connect. Radhika took to her verified Instagram account and posted a picture of herself sitting on the floor and giving flying kisses. For the caption, she borrows a few lines of the hit song Oh oh jaane jaana from Salman Khan’s 1998 superhit, “Pyaar Kiya Toh Darna Kya”. “I Love You All! Doston na koi manzil hai Na koi saathi hai… Phir bhi nikal padi hoon ghar se… Shaayad jiski talash hai wohi saathi hai wohi Manzil hai… Hit It !” Radhika wrote. The actress was last seen in Angrezi Medium, the last Bollywood release before the lockdown, and also the final film of the late Irrfan Khan. (IANS)