Samsung on Monday launched a new affordable smartphone Galaxy M01 Core at a starting price of Rs 5,499 (1GB RAM+2GB) variant in India. The 2GB RAM+32GB variant is priced at Rs 6,499 and will be available from July 29.
“Galaxy M01 Core has been designed to deliver value for money with a best–in-class performance and stylish proposition, targeting users seeking best performance, experience and price,” said Aditya Babbar, Director, Mobile Business, Samsung India.
The smartphone features ‘Intelligent Inputs’ which includes Smart Paste and Suggest Notification features. The ‘Suggest Notification’ feature warns users about low battery and allows them to open their running app or add other critical apps in Maximum Power Saving Mode for an extended run time. It houses a 5.3-inch HD+ display. The device comes with an 8MP rear camera and 5MP selfie camera. (IANS)