NONGPOH: In an incident, which came to light on Tuesday, the driver of a tourist taxi, deputed by the state government, dropped a cured COVID patient at the Ri Bhoi Deputy Commissioner’s Office on Monday night. The girl was supposed to be ferried to Mawkangi.
On receiving information about the stranded girl, whose family was under quarantine, members of the Ri Bhoi Youth Federation (RBYF) Mawsyntai Circle reached the spot and safely dropped the girl to her destination.
The youth body demanded the DMHO, Ri Bhoi, to conduct an inquiry in the incident and take stringent action against the erring driver to ensure that such kind of incidents are not repeated. Concerned about the rising crimes against women, and how she was left halfway and stranded, the organisation led by Neverlyne Nongphlang, president of RBYF Mawsyntai Circle, met the District Medical and Health Officer (DMHO) of Ri Bhoi to enquire about the incident.
The youth body was informed that the DM&HO was unaware about the stranded girl.