Actress Kajol celebrates her 46th birthday on Wednesday, and her husband, actor Ajay Devgn, took to social media to wish his better half. Ajay posted a picture of the couple on Instagram, and wrote: “Happy returns of the day, forever &always @kajol,” he captioned the image, with a flower emoji. Kajol’s sister Tanishaa Mukerji, too, wished her. She shared a string of throwback pictures in which we see the siblings spent with their mother, veteran actress Tanuja. “Happy birthday my gorgeous, beautiful soul. Thank you for teaching me how to love. Love you so much,” Tanishaa wrote on Instagram. Kajol will be seen making her digital debut with the film Tribhanga, which is directed by Renuka Shahane. It is drama set in Mumbai, weaving a complex tale that goes back and forth through three generations of the same family, from the late 1980s to present day. (IANS)