Actress Sophie Turner will be lending her voice for the character of Princess Charlotte in upcoming animated series, The Prince. Turner has officially joined the cast of animated series “The Prince”, created and executive produced by “Family Guy” producer, writer and actor Gary Janetti, reports The satire focuses on seven-year-old Prince George, who is voiced by Janetti, and his antics as the first-born child of Prince William and Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge. Turner will voice George’s sister. Janetti shared the update on Instagram by sharing a Halloween-themed sneak peek of the show. “Meet Charlotte – Sophie Turner,” Janetti wrote in the video’s caption. In the clip, George attempts to coordinate his siblings’ Halloween costumes, and soon realises that they have picked out their own outfits for the occasion. “The Prince” ensemble also includes names like Orlando Bloom as Prince Harry, Condola Rashad as Meghan Markle, Lucy Punch as Kate Middleton, Alan Cumming as George’s butler Owen, Frances de la Tour as Queen Elizabeth and Iwan Rheon as Prince William. “The Prince” is being made for HBO Max. (IANS)