TURA : Border residents in South West Garo Hills have been advised by the Deputy Commissioner to carry their EPICs while passing through stretches of border roads in the district for their own security and to ensure the effective patrolling on the Indo-Bangladesh border by the BSF.
The advisory came after the Commandant of 28 Bn BSF in his letter to the Deputy Commissioner informed that under the area of 28 Bn BSF from BOP Boldamgre to BOP Ritingpara, there are six stretches where border road runs along the border security fence and these roads are frequently used by Indian nationals for movement from one end to another. As a security measure, BSF guards at border security fence gates have been recording details of persons moving through these gates, he added.
The advisory was given by the BSF through the Deputy Commissioner so that the residents do not face any inconveniences and to ensure that their entries can be recorded at IBB fence gates for effective security at all such places.