New Delhi, March 1 : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Monday carried out searches at three locations across three states in connection with a case registered against the senior Divisional Manager of South West Railways for fake payment to a contractor.
A CBI official here said that the agency sleuths raided three premises of Senior Divisional Engoneer Neeraj Bapnna and contractor P. Aswartha Narayana in connection with the case in Hubli, Bhilwara and Kolhapur.
During the searches the agency sleuths also seized several incriminating documents.
The CBI had registered a case against the then Bapanna, who is posted in Hubli, unknown public servants and others including the contractor in a work related to providing additional height guage in Road under Bridge.
In the FIR it was alleged that old dismantled structural steel of unmanned level cross height gauges were used for the work and no structural steel was purchased, though the contractor received payments.
It was also alleged that the public servant obtained illegal gratification in return through the money transferred to the accounts of his relatives or friends by the contractor.(IANS)