Pune, Jule 28: After widespread damage and floods, the rain intensity has reduced in western Maharashtra, leading to a dip in the water level of the major rivers which were earlier flowing above the danger mark in Kolhapur and Sangli, and the authorities are now taking steps to prevent water-borne diseases.
The losses due to the rain-fury in Kolhapur are estimated to be around Rs 399 crore and the process of assessment of damages is still underway, officials said on Wednesday.
The water level of the Panchganga river in Kolhapur has come down under the danger level. Around 8 pm, it was flowing at 42.9 feet at the Rajaram weir as against the danger mark of 43 feet, the district administration said.
The Panchganga river had been flowing above the danger mark at least since the last five days. (PTI)