Monday, June 17, 2024

‘AITC gaining support in Khasi, Jaintia Hills’


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SHILLONG, May 4: All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) chief whip, George B Lyngdoh on Wednesday said the party has genuine people working on the ground for expanding its base in the Khasi-Jaintia Hills region.
The groundswell of support has indicated that the chances of the party candidates winning the 2023 polls were high in many constituencies, he said. “The party is getting a lot of new workers across the constituencies in the Khasi-Jaintia Hills, even where we do not have any MLAs,” Lyngdoh said.
“If the support grows, I see many of our candidates winning the polls from this region,” he said while speaking on the AITC’s ability to do well electorally beyond the Garo Hills.
Lyngdoh said people are genuinely concerned about the problems plaguing the state, and many of such people joining the party are former government servants and have a social standing.
“People want change and are tired of those who make a show of strength,” he said.
He said the AITC expects to strike it rich in the 2023 Assembly polls but it depends on the work the party and its workers put in.


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