Ranchi, Sep 19: In Jharkhand, it will now be mandatory to appoint 75 per cent local people in private sector jobs with a salary of up to Rs 40,000. Every establishment and company, where more than 10 employees work, will be bound to enforce the law from October.
The Labour and Planning Department had already issued the gazette notification of the rules for 75 per cent reservation for locals in the private sector on July 29. However, this provision will be applicable from October.
The companies have been given three years to implement the law. That means in the next three years, they will have to ensure that 75 per cent of the total strength of the staff working are the local people of Jharkhand. This law will have to be applied even if workers are hired through outsourcing in a private establishment or company. Non-compliance will attract a fine of up to Rs 5 lakh. This law will not be applicable for appointments above Rs 40,000 per month. It can also be relaxed for jobs that require specialized skills.
A committee is being formed at the state level to ensure compliance with this law, which will be headed by the Secretary of the Labour Department. The Director of Planning and Training Department will be the member secretary of this committee. Apart from these, Labour Commissioner, Industry Director, Chief Factory Inspector among others will be the members of this committee. The committee will report to the Jharkhand government on the status of compliance with the law every three months.