Saturday, March 1, 2025

Why the subservience to Delhi?


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Going by the trends of this election, there is no escaping from having yet another hung assembly. Why Meghalaya throws up a fractured verdict every time is not the real question. The more important question should be: What should the newly elected MLAs do to run the affairs of the state.
If we see the past record and the mindset of our MLAs, they have invariably chosen the easiest way out. They have opted for a soft option of being with the ruling dispensation in Delhi. The trend was set by Capt W.A.Sangma when in 1976 he decided to merge the APHLC with the Congress. Indira Gandhi gave us the separate state but was it our gratitude to her that this merger took place? I don’t think so. The answer lies in our economic vulnerability created by our abysmally low resource base. There is an inherent thought that we need spoon feeding from Delhi.
This psyche is still prevalent among our political masters even after fifty years of statehood. That explains why our regional parties who loudmouth their first allegiance to “jaitbynriew” and skilfully display their bravado for standing up against imposition from Delhi, become subservient to whoever is in power in Delhi. This is a paradox, to say the least. It betrays our inability to look eyeball to eyeball with the masters in Delhi. Somewhere, Meghalaya’s brave leaders at home tend to buckle when it comes to taking a decisive and firm stand while dealing with the Central government. And that is why, the regional parties like UDP, HSPDP, PDF etc explain their compulsion to fall in line with Delhi. “We need money from Delhi”, is a common refrain. To me this is a poor and weak argument. Look at the political map of India today. There are as many as ten States and one Union Territory which are being ruled by non-BJP parties. Are they not surviving? Arguments may be made that these states are resourceful and capable of managing on their own. Maybe it is a valid argument to a large extent.
As far as a small state like ours is concerned we need to understand that no matter who rules Delhi, the state’s share of devolution of funds from the central kitty is non-negotiable. GST share, Income Tax share etc., are already in place. Also being a tribal predominant state, Delhi has a constitutional obligation towards Meghalaya and other NE states.
There are a plethora of central schemes specifically tailored from tribal milieu. We have a ministry exclusively meant for tribal beneficiaries. We don’t need to be politically aligned to leverage them. Therefore, it is a convenient action for our regional parties to seek proximity to Delhi in the name of bringing largesse from the coffers of Delhi. And what largesse have they brought, pray? To me it is the plain inability of our regional party leaders to stand up for who they are. In this context, TMC leader Abishek Banerjee’s calling our leaders “spineless” cannot be dismissed as mere election rhetoric.
Come to think of it, we are muddled in our heads. On one hand, we seek to dig up the Instrument of Accession from its grave, and on the other, we kowtow to powers that be in Delhi. This is a double standard of the worst kind that betrays our shameless lust for self and pelf. Our political masters have done grave injustice to the state by short selling themselves to Delhi.
It is my strong conviction that we do not need to display this impoverished mentality to Delhi. For whatever it’s worth, we need to be our own—simple, honest and different that all tribes are. By all means maintain good rapport and extract all that is due and fair but for heaven’s sake do not compromise with the basic interest of the people you promise to serve.
I hope this election heralds a new dawn in Meghalaya and the people are not betrayed by collective insincerity, inefficiency and selfish motives. God help us!

Yours etc.,

Name withheld on request,

via email

Making education relevant to the learners


School education has always been my joy, passion and forte. And the article: Elections 2023: Critical issues blowing in the wind by Patricia Mukhim (ST Feb,17 2023 ) has drawn me into sharing some of my thoughts on school education. The writer raises very pertinent matters regarding school education in rural areas. I’m in agreement that schooling in villages need a different approach, different syllabus and textbooks, and so on. Subject choices must be explored and expanded to incorporate the interests of rural children. Yes, ‘students learn better when the reference point is from their immediate surroundings.’ where they can relate to and identify with a deeper clarity, depth, and perspective.
Sadly, our approach to education is so stupidly rigid. Like some of the answers of a question paper. Only what is given in the marking scheme is acceptable, even though there are options! Our education system seems to educate the child to fail, to give up, to feel frustrated, to feel hopelessly dejected and to say, ‘I can’t i’ll not try!’
Yes, the government needs to make an honest, sincere in-depth study on the teaching learning process in villages across the state. And guided by the feedback/statistics obtained, operational and strategic plans must be drawn up that are workable to reinvent schooling so that learning becomes excitingly challenging. Correlation of all subjects through environmental studies at the primary level is best suited for rural learning. Learning is activity based both for the individual and group. Learners have flexibility. (Learning can ride the wave of a child’s curiosity, excitement, infectious enthusiasm, a desire to explore, etc., provided it is appropriately planned, scientifically structured and executed efficiently and effectively). Learning is not confined to the four walls of a classroom. Independent learning is encouraged through observations, trial and error, simple home experiments, etc. Learning goes beyond the school classroom and schedule. Children become inquisitive learners! This method of learning can go right up to class 6-7 provided the levels are meticulously planned and synchronised with the syllabus. If implemented, monitored and expanded judiciously at all class levels the child then develops solid learning skills and becomes secure and confident. He/she will ease into the prescribed syllabus of class 8 and upwards comfortably.
With regards to prescribed textbooks, it’s money dynamics that come into play; very similar to pharmaceutical companies! So never mind the relevance, inaccuracies, ‘reference point is far from their immediate surroundings.’ and books being ‘so far removed from the daily lives of students’!
In the past, standards of proficiency at different levels/classes were laid down by the Education Boards, and no textbooks were ever prescribed. ICSE/ISC would also clearly state that the Board does not recommend any specific textbook. But because of the huge money generation, textbooks became profitable for school boards too! Lobbying and solid connections with the right people would determine a book to be prescribed. Today even CBSE rules that NCERT textbooks are to be used in their affiliated schools!
Let us hope that the new government gives education the priority it deserves. As it is, Meghalaya is at the near bottom of the index. The new government has to address all shortcomings in education with an honest, aggressive, hands on, shoulder to the wheel approach.

Yours etc.,

Kevin Phillips

Via email

Conflict of interests


Two retired government officials are in the fray in the North Shillong Constituency. The UDP fielded a former Director of Health Services, Dr Aman War while a retired IPS is contesting from BJP. During the campaign, the two candidates highlighted the achievements of the Health and Police Department while they were in service but eulogized the same as their personal achievements. Is it not a ‘conflict of interest’ by public servants to use their service while in government employment in such a way as to reap electoral benefits on retirement? Should there not be a cooling off period of government officials wanting to contest elections?

Yours etc.,

Marshanlang Rymbai,

Via email


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