Shillong, July 20: A devastating incident occurred in Maharashtra’s Raigad district on Wednesday, where a portion of a 550-meter tall hillock collapsed on the Irshalwadi tribal village near Khalapur. Six villagers and a member of the rescue team lost their lives in the tragic event.
Late on Wednesday, the incident unfolded, leaving around 10 people rescued from the slush and debris. However, the situation remains dire, with approximately 80 people still feared trapped under the rubble. A massive rescue operation has been urgently launched to find and save them.
Chief Minister Eknath Shinde promptly rushed to the tragedy spot, monitoring the situation closely. Deputy CM Ajit Pawar stationed himself at the State Disaster Management Centre to oversee the rescue efforts.
The calamity struck around 11:45 p.m. on July 19, amid heavy rainfall in the region. The hillock, towering over 550 meters, collapsed on the village, burying an estimated 30-40 hutments and trapping residents inside.
The Irshalwadi village, with a population of 228, witnessed a devastating impact on more than 100 people due to last night’s tragedy.
The rescue teams faced significant obstacles in the hilly terrain, as massive boulders and stones scattered, hampering their efforts. They could only work with hammers to extract people trapped under the debris.
In response to the hazardous terrain, Chief Minister Shinde decided to deploy two helicopters for the rescue mission. However, Deputy CM Pawar mentioned that stormy weather conditions might hinder the helicopters’ landing in the region.