Friday, September 20, 2024

Navigating True Independence: A Quest for Harmonious Progress


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By Ankush Kurkalang

As a country we have celebrated yet another Independence Day to mark our nation’s hard-won independence. At this time my heart and thoughts are drawn to a recent encounter that has left an indelible mark on my perspective. On the eve of the 77th Independence Day, while engaging with the exuberant souls of orphaned youths in this remote village of Meghalaya, I couldn’t help but contemplate the essence of true independence. While we commemorate the sacrifices of our valiant forebears who fought for freedom from colonial rule, it is imperative that we introspect and discern if we have truly achieved the harmonious, prosperous society envisioned by those who laid down their lives for a brighter future.

In the tapestry of our nation’s journey, I perceive three distinct threads that intertwine to create our contemporary fabric. The first strand comprises those who, seemingly content in their material abundance, perceive Independence Day as an opportunity for grand festivities and exhibitions of opulence. Draped in resplendent attire, they revel in the superficial glamour while perhaps losing sight of the deeper significance of our freedom.

Contrastingly, there are those whose involvement may be more symbolic, participating in events and contributing to charity, not without a hint of self-aggrandizement. These individuals, often part of the “Page Three” society, engage in acts of benevolence as a means to bolster their public image, sometimes overshadowing the true essence of altruism.

The third strand, however, comprises the less privileged, whose voices often remain muted by the cacophony of celebration. They continue their struggle for survival, grappling with the stark realities of hunger and destitution, occasionally finding moments of genuine jubilation despite their circumstances. Their resilience paints a poignant portrait of true freedom, echoing the sentiment that genuine independence is marked not just by grandeur, but by the upliftment of every soul.

Nevertheless, as a society, we are yet to fully unshackle ourselves from the chains that bind us. The echoes of our past, the inertia of our cultural biases, and the apathy that has pervaded our society still linger as barriers to our complete liberation. Our economic disparities, myopic perspectives, and the spectre of division loom like shadows on the path to true independence.

Yet, a glimmer of hope pierces through the veil of uncertainty. The dawn of a new era is slowly breaking, carried on the wings of our youth. Their aspirations, their unquenchable thirst for knowledge, and their willingness to transcend the limitations of the past are the rays of optimism that illuminate our future.

However, the nascent journey is fraught with perils. The slightest deviation from the path of righteousness, a fraction of a misstep, can lead these promising souls astray, plunging them into the abyss of vices like drug addiction, violence, and ethnic divisiveness. The responsibility rests on our shoulders, as mentors and guides, to nurture their potential and steer them towards a harmonious, prosperous, and compassionate future.

To navigate our society toward a future devoid of the clutches of drug addiction, Manipur like ethnic tensions, and violence, a comprehensive roadmap is essential. Our policymakers and social elders must prioritize the following initiatives:

Educational Empowerment: Collectively Invest in quality education that instils values of tolerance, empathy, and unity. Strengthen vocational training to equip the youth, especially single mothers, with skills for sustainable livelihoods.

Mental Health Support: Establish accessible mental health services to address the emotional well-being of the youth. Special attention should be given to the unique challenges faced by single mothers.

Community Engagement: Foster a sense of community and belonging by organizing cultural exchanges, dialogues, and forums that celebrate diversity and promote social cohesion.

Economic Opportunities: Create avenues for entrepreneurship and employment, particularly for single mothers, to enhance financial stability and reduce vulnerability.

Preventive Measures: Implement comprehensive drug prevention programs in schools, colleges, and communities, focusing on awareness, counselling, and rehabilitation.

Legal Frameworks: Enforce stringent laws against drug trafficking and hate crimes, ensuring swift justice to deter potential offenders.

Media and AwarenessCollaborate with media to disseminate positive narratives, success stories, and campaigns that inspire and educate the youth against drug abuse and violence.

Support Networks: Establish support networks for single mothers, offering mentorship, childcare, and financial assistance to empower them to provide stable environments for their children.

Having just celebrated our 77th year of independence, let us not merely partake in the festivities, but introspect and take stock of our progress. Let us recognize that our true independence lies not only in political sovereignty but in the liberation of minds, hearts, and aspirations. It is a journey that necessitates a collective effort to dismantle the barriers that hinder our progress and to instil in our youth the values of unity, empathy, and integrity.

Ankush Kurkalang

The writer is Founder and Chief Mentor Kurkalang Skilling & Learning Center  ( ) [email protected]


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