Friday, March 7, 2025

Letters to the Editor


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Inclusion of NEIGRIHMS under NORCET.

With reference to the subject cited above, the Trained Nurses Association of India (TNAI) NEIGRIHMS unit would like to inform the general public that NEIGRIHMS is now included to be a centre for Nursing Officers’ Recruitment Common Eligibility Test (NORCET). This is one step towards making NEIGRIHMS an Institute of ‘National Importance.’ This is a huge step taken by the NEIGRIHMS administration and we deeply appreciate the efforts.
As NORCET conducts examination under AIIMS, New Delhi, this process is much faster and within 3 months, the entire recruitment process is completed. This itself will bring about the upliftment of the entire nursing fraternity. Moreover, since the Regional Cancer Centre is soon to be opened here, this is the need of the hour for NEIGRIHMS.
This recruitment will not only open doors and opportunities for the youths who have been waiting for many years for such an opportunity, but also create a career upgradation for the nursing cadre in NEIGRIHMS, which has remained stagnant since 2006 due to lack of new recruitment.
NORCET follows specific rules and procedures for conducting examinations and candidates from Meghalaya have already registered for this examination, and where the number of applicants is much higher than the previous years. This will itself bring job opportunities to the indigenous people of Meghalaya.
Moreover, for many of the staff outsourced from different agencies who have been working in NEIGRIHMS for many years and are about to reach the upper age limit this is their golden chance to appear in this examination as the number of vacancies are also high.
The recruitment for nurses which came up recently in NEIGRIHMS (2023), was sanctioned way back in 2018, but it took almost 5 years for the entire process to be completed, and if this time also it is postponed, it may take some more years for the sanctioned posts to be filled up.
Hence we appreciate this decision of the director, NEIGRIHMS and henceforth NEIGRIHMS should be included in NORCET.
Yours etc.,
Deepsikha Kakoty,



Lessons from Manipur

Viewers who are regular patrons of mainland news channels must be really intrigued as to what has happened to Manipur and the violence that made ‘Breaking News’ bulletins from that part of the country , not too long ago. Equally surprising is the silence from our mainland and central netas of the situation now prevailing in that NE state. The silence is deafening and this silence can only emanate from two or three possible conclusions. Either peace has returned to that wretched piece of land where communities were butchering each other just a few weeks ago, so there is nothing much to talk about the situation there or Manipur has somehow simply disappeared from the face of this earth. The other possible explanation is that somehow that piece of real estate has been willed away by the Government of India to either China or Myanmar and has thus lost any news value as it no longer pertains to Indian territory. Now since none of the above are possible nor have happened, then the answer to this silence must lie somewhere else.
For those seeking genuine answers as to what is really happening in Manipur must therefore turn to other sources for information. The best of such platforms are private news channels that refuse to kowtow the Government line nor seek to earn its pleasure. We have such independent news channels that carry interviews and discussions with knowledgeable and non-partisan experts on subjects that are of national interest. One gleans so much information watching news channels as that of Sujit Nair or Barkha Dutt. One such interview by Karan Thapar of the Wire with GK Pillai , former Union Home Secretary is what I would call a ‘No Holds Barred’ discussion. Facts were laid bare; spades were called spades and this is an interview that people of the North East must watch simply to learn where we stand vis a vis the centre.
What came out from that interview to be mulled and chewed upon are as follows:
1. No one in Delhi cares or has any idea of what is happening in this part of the country. It’s a typical case of ‘Out of sight, Out of mind!’
2. No one gives a damn if one tribal community slaughters another as long as the BJP as the ruling party in the state remains undisturbed.
3. Manipur and the civil war that is going on there is to Delhi just a law and order issue which can solve itself by simply burying ones head under the carpet. No one is prepared to acknowledge the powder keg we are sitting on.
4. The Centre is not prepared to dig out the truth as to what really happened in Manipur and the Butcher of Manipur, the Chief Minister who allowed all the blood-letting is safe as long as he can ensure his BJP Government continues in office. So the only control mechanism our Constitution has against any .breakdown of governance in any state, i.e. President’s Rule is ignored .
5. The Congress under Nehru was ready to bid goodbye to the North East during the Chinese aggression of 1962. Reading between the lines on what is happening in Manipur, one can safely assume that the NDA under the Modi is not that different either.
Yours etc.,
Toki Blah,
Via email



The mighty pen

The pen plays a significant role in every field. It is the sole source to record history, protect culture, and keep ancestors alive. There is no doubt that a pen is mightier than the sword. It alone drives revolutions, raising voices against cruelty, injustice, and discrimination. When the pen is freed, it brings happiness, prosperity, and justice—halting oppressors from oppressing, preventing traitors from betraying, and stopping bribe-takers from accepting bribes. When the pen becomes a tool of rulers, it further harms, aiding cruel people against the weak and poor. Therefore, it is crucial to safeguard the pen. If protected, all of humanity will be safe. The positive use of the pen is as essential for humanity as oxygen is for survival.
Yours etc.,
Via email



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