Nongstoin, Sept 8/–/ The Nongstoin Police today conducted a drive to enforce the Cigarette and Other Tobacco Products (prohibition of Advertisement and Regulations of trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and distribution Act 2003 (COTPA Act) was undertaken today by Nongstoin PS in Nongstoin area and detected a total of 29 cases of violation under section 6b of COTPA Act.
Accordingly challan was issued and on spot fines were realized from the perpetrators. A total of ₹1550/- fines were realized.
The COTPA drive was led by SI K.Mawlong along with other police personnel, a fine along with an awareness to educate the violators was given where according to the COTPA Act, shops were prohibited to sell or advertise cigarettes or other tobacco products 100 yard from educational institutions.