A complaint has been filed against Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor, who has now graduated to the league of superstars with the success of his recent release Animal. Ranbir recently attended the customary Christmas lunch of the Kapoor family along with his wife, Bollywood star Alia Bhatt and daughter Raha.
A video from the Christmas lunch of the Kapoor family went viral which showed Ranbir saying, “Jai Mata Di” as liquor is poured on the Christmas cake.
The complaint extends over to the members of the Kapoor family for hurting the religious sentiments.
As per media reports, the complaint was filed at the Ghatkopar police station. It claimed that in the video, while the liquor is poured on the cake, and is set on fire, Ranbir says “Jai Mata Di”.
In Hinduism, fire god is invoked before invoking other deities, but Ranbir Kapoor and his family members deliberately used intoxicants while celebrating the festival of another religion and chanted “Jai Mata Di”, the media reports quoted the complaint.
However, no FIR has been filed. The video is from the same day when Ranbir and Alia finally revealed the face of Raha to the world.
Currently, the couple is at an undisclosed location with their daughter Raha.
The family was clicked at the Mumbai airport with Ranbir dressed up in athleisure clothing and Raha sleeping in her mom’s lap. (IANS)
Complaint filed against Ranbir for hurting religious sentiments in Christmas video
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