Acclaimed actor Manoj Bajpayee’s film The Fable, which is directed by Raam Reddy, will have its world premiere at the upcoming 74th edition of Berlin International Film Festival in the competitive category of Encounters.
The film, which also features Deepak Dobriyal, Priyanka Bose and Tillotama Shome, along with debutant Hiral Sidhu and child actor Awan Pookot, has been highlighted by the festival with an evening premiere on the opening day.
The festival will begin on February 15 and the curtains will be brought down on February 25.
Manoj said: “Joining the cast of The Fable has been a remarkable experience. Working with a creative mind like Raam Reddy and participating in an A-festival backed by an international production house for the first time has been incredibly inspiring. Our film’s presence at Berlinale signifies the global reach and artistic caliber of Indian storytelling.”
The Fable, Raam Reddy’s second initiative following his multi-award-winning film Thithi, is a US-Indian co-production. (IANS)