Actress Anya Taylor-Joy, who is awaiting the release of her upcoming film Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, shared that the Mad Max franchise teaches an artiste to be highly resourceful. The actress also shared that her favourite prop from the film’s set is the knuckle-gun. The actress told IANS in an interview that the most incredible thing about working with director George Miller is that before even stepping on the set, the artiste analyses and dissects the script. Taylor-Joy told IANS: “Given that ‘Mad Max’ is a universe where everything is scarce, it teaches you to be resourceful. Every object that you encounter has to have a purpose. When I first landed in Australia, I called our production designer, and he walked me through all the props. I fell in love with the knuckle-gun. It’s a knuckle duster, a gun, and a knife all rolled into one. (IANS)
Anya favourite weapon from Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga is the knuckle-gun
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