Security has been increased outside the apartment of Bollywood actor Salman Khan following the killing of former minister and NCP leader Baba Siddique on Saturday evening. Visuals showed security personnel outside the Galaxy Apartment of the Sultan actor. Siddique, a former Maharashtra minister and leader in Ajit Pawar’s faction of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP), was shot near Nirmal Nagar in Bandra. He later succumbed to his bullet injuries at Lilavati Hospital late Saturday night.Salman visited Lilavati Hospital late on Saturday night to offer his condolences and meet the family of Siddique, who passed away from bullet injuries. The event comes months after an earlier security scare involving the actor. On April 14, two bike-borne men opened fire outside Salman Khan’s Bandra residence. The assailants, Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal, were later arrested in Gujarat. (ANI)
Security beefed outside Salman’s residence after Baba Siddique’s killing
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