The suspect detained in connection with the stabbing attack on actor Saif Ali Khan, was nabbed by the Raipur Railway Protection Force (RPF) in Durg, Chhattisgarh, while he was travelling by the Jnaneswari Express train and will be handed over to the Mumbai Police for further investigation. The suspect identified as Aakash Kanojia, aged 32-33 years, will be handed over to the Mumbai Police. The RPF also shared the picture of the accused. This comes days after Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked at his Bandra residence in Mumbai. According to the IG of RPF SECR Zone Bilaspur, Munawar Khursheed, RPF Raipur division had received information from the Mumbai police about the suspect travelling from the train. “The Raipur division of RPF received information from the Mumbai police that a suspect involved in the attack on actor Saif Ali Khan was travelling by the Jnaneswari Express train. The suspect, named Aakash Kanojia, aged 32-33 years, was detained from Durg. He will be handed over to Mumbai police, who will carry out the further investigation,” Khursheed told ANI. Providing further details, the RPF in-charge at Durg, Sanjay Sinha, said after the suspect was held, the RPF contacted the Mumbai Police officials through a video call, to confirm his identity. “We got information from Mumbai Police that a suspect was travelling by the Jnaneswari Express train. They shared his photo and tower location. Based on that, we checked the general coach and found him. He has been detained. Further interrogation of the suspect will be done by Mumbai Police,” Sinha said. (ANI)
Saif Ali Khan attack case: Suspect nabbed, to be handed over to police
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