Vicky Kaushal and Rashmika Mandanna starrer Chhaava is scheduled to reach the audience on 14th February this year. Adding to the buzz, the makers have unveiled the first look poster of Rashmika Mandanna from the much-anticipated drama. Rashmika Mandanna will portray the character of Maharani Yesubai in Chhaava, while Vicky Kaushal will be seen as her husband and famous ruler, Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj. Posting the stills on her official IG account, the diva wrote, “Behind every great king, there stands a queen of unmatched strength. Introducing @rashmika_mandanna as Maharani Yesubai – the pride of Swarajya. #ChhaavaTrailer Out Tomorrow! Releasing in cinemas on 14th February 2025.” (IANS)
Chhaava: Rashmika’s first look as Maharani Yesubai screams royal
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