JOWAI, Jan 21: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Tuesday released Rs 40 crore from the state’s revenue share to the Jaintia Hills Autonomous District Council (JHADC). The sanction order was handed over to JHADC Chief Executive Member (CEM) Thombor Shiwat during the Chief Minister’s first official visit to the Council’s office. The visit followed the Meghalaya Day programme held at the District Library Auditorium in Jowai.
Also present on the occasion were Deputy Chief Ministers Prestone Tynsong and Sniawbhalang Dhar, along with other government ministers, including Comingone Ymbon and AT Mondal, Jowai MLA Wailadmiki Shylla, and members of the council’s Executive Committee.
CEM Thombor Shiwat expressed his gratitude to the chief minister for the swift release of the revenue share. He noted that the funds would enable the timely payment of salaries to council employees, who have not been paid for the past 12 months, starting from January 2024.
The JHADC CEM also thanked the two Deputy CMs and the MLA for their efforts in advocating for the release of the funds, which have alleviated the financial challenges faced by the Council’s employees.