National Award-winning filmmaker Lipika Singh Darai’s short documentary B and S, which explores the bond between two trans women, is set to have its world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2025. The film has been selected for the prestigious ‘Shorts and Mid-Length’ section of the festival, which will run from January 30 to February 9, 2025. The film, which takes its title from the initials of its two protagonists, Biraja and Saesha, portrays the deep bond between these two trans women in their 20s as they face loneliness and societal rejection. Speaking about the World Premiere of B and S at the International Film Festival Rotterdam 2025, Lipika Singh shared, “This film was born from a need to explore the tenderness of love, friendship, and cherished connections in times of loss and grief, especially in an increasingly bleak world. (IANS)
National award-winning Lipika Singh Darai’s docu to premiere at IFFR
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