Bollywood megastar Shah Rukh Khan, who was last seen in Jawan, was seen imparting lessons in Rajasthani language to the younger star Kartik Aaryan. A video, which has gone viral on social media, shows SRK teaching how to welcome the film industry dignitaries as he said, “Padhaaro mhaare IIFA. Padhaaro mhaare des Rajasthan. Khamma ghani”, as the two bowed in respect. The upcoming edition of the IIFA ceremony will be held in Jaipur marking the award function’s 25th anniversary. The event will be hosted by Kartik, who has become one of the most sought after stars after the continued success of the Bhool Bhulaiyaa franchise. SRK, who passed on the baton for the hosting duties to Kartik, is known to be one of the most entertaining hosts of award shows in India in addition to being one of the biggest movie stars across the world. (IANS)