The 10th edition of the Arunachal Film Festival will kick off at TNZ Cinemas in Itanagar. The much-awaited festival will open with the premiere of Vidhu Vinod Chopra Film’s Zero Se Restart. Made under the direction of Jaskunwar Kohli, Zero Se Restart is a heartwarming documentary about the lengths filmmakers went to in order to make the critically acclaimed drama 12th Fail. Stressing the importance of a film like Zero Se Restart, Vidhu Vinod Chopra revealed, “It was crucial for us to make Zero Se Restart because it is my lifelong goal to encourage aspiring filmmakers to chase their passion with honesty and unwavering determination. Zero Se Restart is a reflection of how the real journey often starts from places of uncertainty, setbacks, and raw ambition. (IANS)
Zero Se Restart serves as curtain raiser at 10th Arunachal Film Fest
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