Sunday, June 16, 2024


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Debate on EVMs heats up between Elon Musk, Rajeev Chandrasekhar on X

Shillong, June 16: The debate on whether electronic voting...

Anushka’s Father’s Day wish for Virat: ‘How can one person be so good at so many things’

Shillong, June 16: Actress Anushka Sharma on Sunday greeted...

Markets need correction but current momentum indicates otherwise

Shillong, June 16: After the sharp gains witnessed in...

First-ever direct flight between India and Cambodia launched

Shillong, June 16: Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Neth Savoeun...

Dharavi Redevelopment Project: Debunking myths vs revealing reality

Shillong, June 16: The allegations made by Mumbai North...

US: 9 injured in shooting at Michigan water park

Shillong, June 16:  At least nine people were injured...

Top Syrian rebel leader killed in air strike in Damascus suburb

BEIRUT: A top Syrian rebel leader and head of the most powerful insurgent group in the eastern suburbs of Damascus was killed in an...

Film: Star Wars: The Force Awakens Cast: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Andy Serkis, Domhnall...

The much-hyped and     anticipated "The     Force Awakens" is the seventh chapter of the Galactic epic "Star Wars" which is magnificently mounted. Filled...

Sadhana: End of an era of style, versatility and panache

Accredited as one of     the most stylish ac tress of Bollywood in the late 1960s and 1970s, especially known for her “fringe hairstlye”,...

Quake hits Central Asia, tremors felt in Delhi

New Delhi: Tremors were felt in some parts of northern India early on Saturday after a powerful earthquake jolted Afghanistan. There were no reports of...

MP’s invisible journalists making moolah out of ads

Bhopal: Though the number of women journalists in Bhopal can leave one surprised, most of them have never been spotted covering any event but...

‘PM should think more on domestic issues than foreign affairs’

Guwahati: Taking a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi on his frequent foreign visits, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Saturday said a robust...
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