Saturday, June 29, 2024


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T20 World Cup final may not happen today

Rain threat looms large in Barbados New Delhi, June 28:...

Germany eye quarters spot as they take on Denmark

Dortmund, June 28: Germany takes on Denmark in the...

Italy face Switzerland in first knockout

Berlin, June 28: Defending champion Italy aims to continue...

Phil Foden returns to England camp

Blankenhain, June 28: England forward Phil Foden is back...

Trump and Biden square off for first time in 2024 election season

Trump confident, even when wrong; Biden halts, even with...

Vibrant fan culture at Euro 2024 comes at security cost

Frankfurt, June 28: The flip side of the European...

Russia says Assad has no need to use chemical arms

Moscow: Russia said on Saturday that there was no need for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to use chemical weapons against rebels because his forces...

Guardians of child labourers unaware of rights: ASCPCR

Guwahati: Complete elimination of child labour in the North East has not been possible mainly due to the lack of awareness among the guardians...

CBI initiates another probe against AgustaWestland

New Delhi: CBI has started another probe against UK-based helicopter supplier AgustaWestland for alleged corruption in the supply of Light Utility Helicopters to Army. CBI...

FILM: Man Of Steel DIRECTOR:Zack Snyder CAST: Henry Cavill, Amy Adams, Michael Shannon, Diane Lane, Russell Crowe, Kevin Costner, Antje Traue, Harry Lennix, Christopher...

Catering to 21st century audiences, "Man of Steel" is the story that reveals the nativity and self-realisation of the Kryptonian caped-crusader, whom for the past...

FILM: Ankur Arora Murder Case DIRECTOR: Suhail Tatari CAST: Kay Kay Menon, Arjun Mathur, Vishakha Singh, Paoli Dam, Tisca Chopra and Manish Chaudhary

Picture this. A mother watches her young son being wheeled into the operation theatre for a minor operation. The child never returns. Medical negligence is passe. Medical...

UK lobbies for N-export group to admit India

VIENNA: Britain has stepped up efforts to let India join an influential global body controlling nuclear exports, a move that would boost New Delhi's...
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