BANGALORE: The Special Court on Tuesday adjourned to September 14, the disproportionate asset case filed against Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa.
Her counsel A Kandasami filed an application under section 309 CrPC seeking two weeks adjournment in the wake of the Special Leave Petition which came up before the Supreme Court on Monday, being adjourned to September 12.
“Since the Apex Court is likely to pronounce the orders on September 12, we seek two weeks adjournment so that we can proceed on the basis of the outcome”, he submitted.
Assistant Special Public Prosecutor, Sandesh Chowta acceded to it, but pointed out that the SLP was adjourned at the request of the petitioner”s counsel.He said the case could be posted to Sept 13 to know the outcome and “then we will be in a position to inform the court what has transpired”.
Referring to the Supreme Court”s observations yesterday, Chowta said “even the court has observed that an attempt is being made to protract the proceedings”. (PTI)