Chennai: Young Kevon Cooper dubbed his 11-ball 25 not out as a “dream come true” as his stupendous effort at the death carried Trinidad and Tobago to a two-wicket win against Nashua Cape Cobras in the Nokia Champions League T20 tournament here Tuesday.”It’s a good feeling and difficult to express my feelings right now. After watching the guys play international cricket on TV, and then playing against them, playing a big knock for my team, it is something I dream about. I am happy right now and hope for better things now,” said Cooper at the post-match media conference.
Cooper attributed his team’s success to an uncluttered collective mind going into the game that they needed to win to stay in contention for a semi-final berth.
“Skipper Darren (Ganga) and the team management had asked us to keep an open mind, regardless of whether we batted first or bowled first. We really wanted to win and I am proud to have played good cricket,” said Cooper.
Ganga gushed praise on Cooper, saying: “Ever since he was selected for Trinidad and Tobago at the age of 16, he has shown promise and talent, and it’s really great to see him win this match; so congratulations to him and the entire team.”
The captain said even if the team failed to reach the semi-finals, they could still be proud of their achievement, especially after losing their opening two games. (IANS)