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Home AP12_29_2011_000019B AP12_29_2011_000019B


Homs : In this photo taken on Wednesday Dec. 21, 2011, anti-Syrian regime protesters flash the victory sign as they wear Syrian revolution flags during a demonstration in the Baba Amr area, in Homs province, Syria. Arab League monitors kicked off their one month mission in Syria with a visit on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2011 to Homs, the first time Syria has allowed outside monitors to the city at the heart of the anti-government uprising. Several from the team of 12 stayed in the city overnight, and the team continued to work in Homs on Wednesday. The monitors are expected to visit Hama, Idlib and Daraa on Thursday, Dec. 29, all centers of the uprising. AP/PTI(AP12_29_2011_000019B)
