New Delhi: Cartoon Network’s alien-morphing boy hero, Ben 10, is set to star in his first animated television movie. Titled ‘Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens’, the movie is being directed by Victor Cook and executive produced by Silas Hickey, Creative Director for Animation, Turner Broadcasting System Asia Pacific Inc.
The movie is written by Marty Isenberg and features the original voice actors from the Ben 10 animated series. ‘Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens’ turns the clock back to 10-year-old Ben Tennyson, struggling with teachers, detention, school bullies, when desperate times call for him to jump to the Total Alien Immersion training program on the far side of the galaxy.
The irreversible consequences of the program send him crashing back to earth stuck in his alien forms battling an all-new evil alien, Mechamorph Warrior.
“Ben 10’s enduring popularity with kids is undeniable and this movie brings the hugely successful franchise to an exciting new level. Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens is set to be 2012’s television movie event of the year with awesome, never-before-seen CGI effects,” Hickey said in a statement.
‘Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens’ is slated for premiere on Sunday, March 18 on Cartoon Network in English, Hindi, Tamil and Telugu. (PTI)