New Delhi: CBI on Saturday registered a case under anti-graft law against Lt Gen (retd) Tejinder Singh for allegedly offering Rs 14 crore bribe to the then army chief V K Singh for clearing 1676 “substandard” Tatra BEML trucks and carried out searches at seven places here and in Mumbai.
During its preliminary enquiry for six months into the allegations levelled by V K Singh, the agency sources claimed it has gathered enough prima-facie evidence to register an FIR against Tejinder Singh under relevant sections of Prevention of Corruption Act, said.
Tejinder Singh did not respond to messages sent by PTI on his mobile seeking his reaction on the development.
The then Army chief had alleged that Tejinder Singh offered him a bribe of Rs 14 crore in his office in September 2010 to clear the purchase of tranche of 1,676 Tatra BEML trucks, a matter he had reported to Defence Minister A K Antony.
During the preliminary enquiry, CBI took into account the Record of Discussion in which an Army Chief records important decisions taken, details of meetings, discussions taken place or instructions issued during the day. The agency also recorded the statement of receptionist at the office of Army Chief V K Singh and statements of other army officers before filing a regular case in this regard.
After registering a case under section 12 of the Prevention of Corruption Act, CBI carried out searches at the Kailash Colony residence of Vectra Chairman Ravinder Rishi, who supplied all-terrain trucks to BEML for giving them to the army. (PTI)