Itanagar: With barely six months left for the Panchayat elections in Arunachal Pradesh, the department of panchayati raj on Thursday clarified the elections are to be conducted before the expiry of the five-year duration.
If for any circumstances, the election is not conducted, the tenure of the panchayats in the state will automatically lapse during May 2013, a communiqué said here on Thursday.
On delimitation of panchayat constituencies, the department clarified that as per government decision, the delimitation process would be carried out by the State Election Commission (SEC).
However, for carrying out the delimitation, ‘The Arunachal Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1997’ and ‘The Arunachal Pradesh Panchayati Raj (Delimitation of Constituencies and Reservation of Seats for Women) Rules, 2002’ are required to be amended first.
The process of amendment of the said Act and the Rules are at present under progress, the communiqué said.
However, the Census Report 2011 has still not being published by the Directorate of Census Operation, the department added.
The amendment process and the publication of Census Report of 2011 may take time.
The next panchayat elections, scheduled to be held during April-May 2013, is likely to be held on the basis of existing Anchal Samiti, Gram Panchayat and Gram Panchayat segments, the communiqué added. (PTI)