Mid-day meal
All Lower and Upper primary Schools availing Mid-day Meal Scheme under the jurisdiction of the Sub-divisional School and Education Officer, Shillong, have been instructed to submit their annual and monthly schools health data on the scheme during 2012-13 as per prescribed proforma. The allotment of Mid-day meal rice for Lower and Upper primary Schools of all blocks including urban areas under the jurisdiction of the Sub-divisional School and Education Officer, Shillong, will be released on February 8 with a validity of 20 days.
The Unitarian Church of North East India will bring down the curtains on the Quasqui-Centennial celebrations of the birth of Khasi Unitarian to go inside with the 113th Annual General Assembly to be held at Jowai on February 8, 9 and 10. Several national and international delegates will attend the Assembly.
The news item published in The Shillong Times on February 7 under the heading 29 file nomination on last day in GH should read as Cyrus Tangseng D Shira (Ind) candidate filed his nomination on Wednesday from North Tura and not South Tura as had been published. The error is regretted.
One 16-year-old Sunil Chakma from Tripura Dewasora village in Tripura has gone missing from the Children’s Home of Krist Syiem Social Welfare Centre, Namdong from February 3. Any persons having any information regarding the whereabouts of the boy can contact the chairperson of the Child Welfare Committee, Jowai, at 9436106091 or its secretary at 9436111007 or 03652220805 or Child Line, Jowai at 1098.