From Our Correspondent

TURA: The Garo National Liberation Army (GNLA) seems to have stooped to a new low with the outfit now targeting the Christian Missionaries by serving a demand note to the tune of Rs one crore five lakh to the St. Claret Mission based at Ampati in South West Garo Hills.
According to information provided by the St. Claret Mission, the incident occurred on June 24 at around 7 pm when two unidentified persons handed over the demand letter to the Principal of Ampati Mission belonging to the Claretian Missionary congregation. The demand note served bore the name of the GNLA and had the seal and signature of the ‘political affairs secretary of the finance department’ of the outfit. The amount demanded was, however, confusing as in words it read ‘one crore five luck’ but in figures it was quoted as 1,50000.
Following the incident the authorities of the Mission held discussions with the Managing Committee and the leaders of the community which condemned the demand note being served on the Christian Missionary institution. The meeting firmly resolved that in keeping with the policy of the Parent Mission Organization in Tura no money or ransom would be paid to any anti-social groups irrespective of whatever the consequences might be.
The main basis of the demand as mentioned in the letter was that the Mission was utilizing the resources of Garo Hills. However, the Mission authorities have rubbished the GNLA’s claim saying that it was the investment of the Christian Missionaries to bring development in terms of education and health care to the region.
The Mission authorities have lodged a complaint with the police and also submitted a report to the South West Garo Hills Deputy Commissioner.