Patna: Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar Monday said that the JD-U’s decision to leave the NDA was right as some BJP leaders are using the a language that “hurt the feeling of a community”. “Our decision to leave NDA was right (due to) the language used by a BJP leader to hurt the feeling of a community…,” Nitish Kumar told media persons here without naming Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi.
Modi Sunday accused the Congress of failing to address poverty in its long rule and using a “veil of secularism” to cover its failures. And in an interview to a foreign news agency, Modi said he had done “absolutely the right thing” in 2002 when the state was hit by riots and that even if a “puppy comes under the wheel of a car, one felt sad”.
Nitish Kumar said: “In politics, language should be used not to hurt feeling of others. It is necessary for the unity of the country. There is a need to check and control such language.”
He said he was against such language that hurt feelings of others.
“We should keep in mind the feeling of all,” he said and added that most of the people of the country also favour civilized language and opposed the language that hurt the feelings of others.”The next general elections result will prove BJP wrong and vindicate our stand that there is need to take (everyone) along and not to hurt feeling of one community,” he said.(IANS)