Actor Ranbir Kapoor says Katrina Kaif holds a special place in his life but he does not want to end the mystery by talking about it in media. After the photographs showing Ranbir holidaying with Katrina went viral, the actor is no more in denial mode. “There is so much being said about my personal life. I don’t want my life to become a reality show. Yes, Katrina is a very special part of my life,” Ranbir told. The actor, who previously dated Deepika Padukone, said he has learnt from his experience to not talk about his personal life. “… when you are going to marry someone, of course I would love the world to know about the person I love,” he said.
The actor feels that there is a lot of judgement in the country about women and their relationships. “I think you have to protect that. I will try and protect the mystery of what I have in my personal life,” he said. Ranbir has no problems with what is being said and written about him as he feels that’s the part and parcel of the industry.
“You can write anything about me… I may feel bad or good about it as you (media) have created me. I am a media created star. I can’t have an opinion now. If I say something there will be 20 different articles and point of views which will again bring negativity in my life. As of now I am happy in my life professionally and personally,” he said. (PTI)