Monday, September 23, 2024

Tip Briew-tip Blei- divinity in human nature


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By Bijoya Sawian

Within each one of us we have the divine and the human. Once we recognize this divinity within, our great inner journey begins. We evolve in a certain way and there is no turning back. When we don’t and instead only recognize the human and lower nature we grow and move in another direction. Then, too, more often than not, there is no turning back.

The majority of us do not think this aspect as an important part of our religiousness, our spiritual growth. Nowadays very few religious mentors concentrate on this very deep and sacred dimension of religion-the divinity within. Unless this is awakened, understood and nurtured all the rituals and prayers that we engage ourselves in are but show and gibberish. Is there any point in going to temples, gurudwaras, mosques, churches and other places of worship with so much prayerful fervour, song and dance and offerings when our hearts are filled with all the emotions that stink of ungodliness?

In this horrifying and bewildering world where ugliness stalks free and wild in all aspects of our lives- social, political , spiritual, psychological- the recognition of this divinity within is imperative. It, automatically, encourages one to follow the path of Truth and live a clean life of peace and integrity. It is simple. If you believe you are good, you do good. If you think you are bad you will indulge in all nefarious activities because you do not know anything better. You lack the confidence to be positive because of your ignorance.

The Khasis refer to, someone who is reliable, trustworthy, who has all the good qualities as I ba tipbriew. The Khasi precept Tip Briew-Tip Blei means Know Yourself- Know God, i.e recognize and understand the divine within you in order to fully comprehend and connect with the Great Divinity, God, U Blei. This pithy phrase if understood encapsulates a world of wisdom and propels one into an important, life-changing journey of discovery of oneself.

All the great thinkers and spiritual leaders of the world through generations believe in the existence of both good and bad in all human beings. The struggle and the eventual victory determines a person’s entire existence. There is a famous story of a Cherokee Elder talking to his grandson in order to teach him about life.

He said, “A fight is going on inside me. It is between two wolves. One is evil, he stands for anger, hatred, envy, greed, self-pity, sorrow, false pride and ego. The other is a good wolf. He stands for love, peace, joy, hope, faith, truth and compassion. The same fight is going on inside you and every other person. Keep this in mind always.”

The grandson thought for awhile and asked his grandfather, “Who do you think will win?”

The old Cherokee replied, “The one you feed.” It is from the people who live close to the earth, Mei Ramew, that one receives the greatest knowledge, the deepest wisdom and the purest inspiration.

(The writer is author of the book Shadow Men and can be contacted at [email protected]


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