SHILLONG: To ensure that all untrained teachers acquire the various qualities required to be a good teacher, the state government has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS).
The Diploma in Elementary Education (D.ELED) Programme which was launched through NIOS at the Directorate of Educational Research and Training (DERT) on Monday aims to enable teachers to understand and address diversity in context.
The programme also aims at empowering teachers to develop the capacity in them to promote child friendly and child centered processes in school and to develop leadership, problem solving and an all-round development skills among children.
Open and Distance Learning system is considered as an effective strategy to train the large number of untrained teachers. The programme is based on the principle of providing every child a child friendly and barrier free education.
Meghalaya has a total of 15822 untrained teachers at the Elementary Level of which 7822 will be trained through NIOS.
In the first phase, 4835 teachers will be trained in study centres across the State. Coordinators have been identified in schools and DERT. 245 resource persons have also been identified for the purpose.