SHILLONG: Unhappy with the performance of their previous representatives, people of Umroi have decided to field their ‘own’ candidate in the upcoming district council elections.
The local people of the area on Tuesday unanimously decided to put up the secretary of the Umroi Dorbar Pyllun MD Syiem as their ‘own’ candidate from Umroi.
Speaking on the occasion, Raid Mawbuh Syiem Khynnah BS Syiem said there was a need for the people to put their own candidate as the previous elected representatives failed to fulfill aspirations of the people.
“We need a candidate who understands the problems faced by the people of the constituency. We also need someone who has the patience to listen to our grievances,” Syiem said.
During the meeting Umroi Constituency People’s Front (UCPF) was formed which will take care of Syiem’s election-related activities.