NEW DELHI: Even as Union Home Minister, Rajnath Singh spoke to Karnataka Chief Minister, Siddaramaiah over phone on Thursday and enquired about the attack on three North Eastern students in Bangalore on Wednesday, two youths from Nagaland were brutally assaulted in Gurgaon, which falls under the national capital region, the same day.
The locals, numbering around seven, held the two in confinement in Sikanderpur area and beat them up with cricket bats and hockey sticks on Wednesday night, a support group for Northeast students alleged.
The victims, Awang Newmei (22) from Jaluki village and Aloto Chishi (25) from Shitovi, have been staying in Sikanderpur over the last two years and work at a BPO.
While Aloto was rescued by his sister who came to the spot after hearing of the incident, the assault on Awang continued till 3 am. The attackers then allegedly shaved off his hair and dumped him on the roadside where he lay till some of his acquaintances spotted him in the morning.
Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Karnataka informed the Union Home Minister that the police responded quickly and arrested all those who were involved in the attack on the Northeastern students.
Singh said that there should be no discrimination against anyone in the country on the basis of caste, religion creed or sect.