Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan Monday sported a rather pensive look during the ongoing shooting of “Piku”, a day after he was seen merrily pedalling across the streets here in a pink kurta.
The 71-year-old actor’s looks are as varied as the locations and has kept the public guessing about the film.
According to some media speculation, the icon was reportedly taken ill while shooting at the Burdwan House in Alipore, in south Kolkata. Shooting was temporarily stalled but later it was revealed that all’s well.Clad in a loose fitting light beige kurta, and a light grey half-sweater and hidden under a wig with generous sprinklings of grey, the one-time angry young man of Indian cinema, seated on stacked plastic chairs on a stunning green lawn at the Burdwan House in light sunshine, made for a vibrant contrast. He was seen tinkering with his smartphone at times while there were hints of a smile too in between.
But the thinking-man persona was abundant.
Fans circled the building for most part of the day to get a glimpse of Big B.
Amitabh arrived in the city Sunday morning to shoot for “Vicky Donor” director Shoojit Sircar’s upcoming film “Piku”, where he plays the role of father to Deepika Padukone.
The Bollywood superstar Sunday became nostalgic and relished “too many memories” of Kolkata as he pedalled on a bicycle, with a twinkle in his eyes, through the city’s nerve centre BBD Bagh that houses numerous heritage structures as also the Writers Buildings – the regular seat of the West Bengal government.
He cycled Sunday afternoon as part of the shooting for the film that is scheduled to hit the screens April 30, 2015.(IANS)