Chennai: The BCCI on Tuesday fully stood behind embattled President-in-exile N Srinivasan in the wake of the Mudgal Committee clearing him of betting and match fixing allegations while backing IPL COO Sundar Raman in his legal battle in the Supreme Court.
A meeting of the Board’s Emergent Working Committee here decided to postpone the Annual General Meeting to elect its new office bearers, including the President, scheduled on November 20, to December 17.
Sundar Raman, who was accused of being in touch with a bookie’s contact, also got the Board’s backing.
The Board backed Srinivasan, who has also been cleared of allegations that he tried to subvert the probe. BCCI said the charges against Srinivasan were aimed at destabilising the Board. Srinivasan is currently also the Chairman of the ICC.
“The members noted the conclusions in the final report of the Mudgal committee and felt that there is no taint on the conduct of Mr Srinivasan and the allegations levelled against him by unscrupulous elements were baseless and were aimed at destabilising the working of the BCCI,” the BCCI said.
Besides, the working committee also heard Raman’s explanation with regards to charges against him in the report, which was submitted to the Supreme Court. The apex court will continue to hear the matter on November 24. “Raman gave his explanation relating to his role with reference to the conclusion relating to him in the report of Mudgal committee. The members heard his explanation and decided that the Board should support Mr Sundar Raman to represent himself before the Supreme Court,” it said. (PTI)